Monthly Donation

Monthly Donation


Caring Resources Ministries International relies on donations to sustain the ministry.  Your financial involvement helps us reach our mission goals of placing trained Chaplains in RV Resorts around the USA and also in supporting Mission Projects in the U.S.A and around the world.  We are a 501(c)3 – not-for-profit religious organization.  Check with your accountant to see if you qualify for a tax deduction.


Please Consider


–In 18 years of operating, CRMI has never received funding from any State or Federal Government.


–When you consider contributing your hard earned dollars to any charity, we recommend you first ask the question:


“How much of each dollar donated …actually goes to the missions you want to support?”


– In CRMI, over 90 cents of every dollar donated goes to support the missions we assist!


— We are a U.S.A. registered 501(c) 3, and upon request will issue receipts.


May God bless you and yours for helping our efforts to follow the teaching of our Lord Jesus.


For a One Time Donation  Please Donate here


Below are the specific chaplain and missions you may also want to support on a monthly basis. If you want to make only a one time donation click HERE to go to our one time donation form.


Choosing this form will automatically send donations on a monthly basis.


Contributions are solicited with the understanding that Caring Resources Ministries International (CRMI) has complete discretion and control over the use of all donate funds. CRMI will attempt to honor gifts preference to support particular workers, but the final decision on the use of all funds rests with the organization.

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